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Early market

June 10, 2016

Fri-Sat 11:00am- 8pm

Our grand organic market for 2016


       With the rapid surge of pharmacies opening in the Jamaica Queens area, the need to expand our market has been greatly influenced. We've gradually added more organic produce since the community has been responding to the growing need.   Part of our mission is to enlighten, educate and to provide the community with the proper resources needed for a healthier Jamaica.


       The future of our grand organic market will be epic, featuring a wide selection of fruits and vegetables primarily organic. Hence, we've partnered with some of the largest distributors in the industry. As a result, our new minimum order as increased. This drastic change has compelled  us to  make more accommodation for storage, displays and cold cases, with Such an increase we must strategies and execute an effective marketing campaign to reach the community at large.


Our goal is to change quality of life for the future of Jamaica Queens, your participation by donation, outreach by shearing our page and message, is most welcome.


Sincerely Yours,



Yvonne Watson

Manager /


Humble begining's: The cafe



Roti Road House cafe as been serving the Jamaica queens area for over 8 years, mainly as a cafe and natural eatery, by preparing cultural foods health conciously and organic. Hence, quickly gain it's reconition from the community and beyond for it's concept and quality.



Our Natural grocery & Produce Dept.




In 2012 we've added our grocery and mini produce department.




  • Lipstick

  • Nail Polish

  • Foundation

  • Eye Shadow

  • Mascara


  • Shampoos

  • Shaving

  • Soap

  • Deodorant

  • Lip Balm


  • Why Go Vegan

  • How To Go Vegan

  • What is a Vegan?

  • Try Being Vegan

  • Animal Ingredients


  • Guide to Eating Vegan

  • Vegan Foods

  • Vegan Cooking

  • Dairy-Free Guide

  • Vegan-Friendly Cuisines


  • Meat

  • Milk

  • Cheese

  • Yogurt

  • Eggs


  • Vegan Nutrition

  • Vitamins

  • Fitness

  • Organic Foods

  • B-12

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